NIEBO HOTEL transforms you into both a voyeur and an accomplice in grandiose stories of intimacy.
Each journey is unique.

An event presented by Ballets Jazz Montréal, CAPAS, Danse Danse and La Parenthèse - Christophe Garcia
in collaboration with Hôtel Le Germain Montréal
Concept and choreography Christophe Garcia
Music Laurier Rajotte
Lighting design Simon Rutten
Sound design Bruno Brevet
Puppet creation Einat Landais
Creative assistance Marie-EVe Carrière and Marion Baudinand
Performers Gustavo Barros, Millie Brinck-Dubuc, Yosmell Calderon Mejias, Abby Castora, Marcel Cavaliere, Astrid Dangeard, Kyle Davis, Shanna Irwin Calderon, Miu Kato, Damond Lemonte Garner, Marcel Mejia, Zack Preece, Madeleine Salhany and Silje Vereide
Visual design Candice Roger, Nelly Garreau, Thomas Roy Bourdages
Forbidden lovers who can't leave each other's side, a mother-to-be who can't cope with losing her freedom, a lonely man who regains a taste for life only at midnight... The hushed rooms reveal the choreography of these stolen moments when our most fragile dreams come to life. In small groups, you're invited to witness the hidden dance of these passing souls, imagined by La Parenthèse and performed by Ballets Jazz Montréal. Live and recorded music, video projections and narration are superimposed on the movements, paying homage to those moments when our fragile dreams are finally embodied, ephemeral. NIEBO HOTEL (“Hotel of the Sky” in Polish) invites us all to celebrate the great memories that play out behind closed doors. In this hotel, we are nothing more than our melancholies.

You will move from one piece to the next as if through the chapters of a deconstructed book, guided by your host in the shadows. Since each group does not visit the same rooms, your journey cannot be compared to that of any other viewer. It's up to you to recreate your own narrative thread at the end of this 70-minute experience, where the rooms at Le Germain Montréal become stages for private, human tableaux. The talent of Ballets Jazz Montréal's dancers can be seen up close, felt inches away, in a show that tells a different tale to everyone.
An event presented by Ballets Jazz Montréal, CAPAS, Danse Danse and La Parenthèse - Christophe Garcia
in collaboration with Hôtel Le Germain Montréal
Concept and choreography Christophe Garcia
Music Laurier Rajotte
Lighting design Simon Rutten
Sound design Bruno Brevet
Puppet creation Einat Landais
Creative assistance Marie-EVe Carrière and Marion Baudinand
Performers Gustavo Barros, Millie Brinck-Dubuc, Yosmell Calderon Mejias, Abby Castora, Marcel Cavaliere, Astrid Dangeard, Kyle Davis, Shanna Irwin Calderon, Miu Kato, Damond Lemonte Garner, Marcel Mejia, Zack Preece, Madeleine Salhany and Silje Vereide
Visual design Candice Roger, Nelly Garreau, Thomas Roy Bourdages

An event presented by Ballets Jazz Montréal, CAPAS, Danse Danse and La Parenthèse - Christophe Garcia
in collaboration with Hôtel Le Germain Montréal
Concept and choreography Christophe Garcia
Music Laurier Rajotte
Lighting design Simon Rutten
Sound design Bruno Brevet
Puppet creation Einat Landais
Creative assistance Marie-EVe Carrière and Marion Baudinand
Performers Gustavo Barros, Millie Brinck-Dubuc, Yosmell Calderon Mejias, Abby Castora, Marcel Cavaliere, Astrid Dangeard, Kyle Davis, Shanna Irwin Calderon, Miu Kato, Damond Lemonte Garner, Marcel Mejia, Zack Preece, Madeleine Salhany and Silje Vereide
Visual design Candice Roger, Nelly Garreau, Thomas Roy Bourdages